Edit/Update My Listing
Change Asking Price
All price changes and cancellation requests must be submitted in writing with signature. To expedite your request, please complete and sign the MLS Price Change Form and email it to admin@prellorealty.com or fax it to 773-472-8988. One of our agents will contact you to confirm receipt. Please allow 48 hours for the change to appear on the MLS and websites.
Change Agent Commission
We can not change the commission once a property is activated in the MLS. If you want to reduce or increase the commission offered to Brokers, you must cancel your current listing and complete a new Marketing Agreement. Your property will be listed as New and will be issued a New MLS number, a reactivation fee of $195 will apply. Please call us at 773-472-8900.
Change Listing Information
DO NOT use this form to request a Price Change, Commission Change or to Request Cancellation, those requests must be submitted in writing.
Request an Open House
Please submit a separate request for each open house date. Requests received after Thursday 5:00 pm may not be processed in time for the weekend. If you want to schedule a broker tour during the week please call us at 773-472-8900 to verify date and times
Submit Listing Photos
Notify Us of A Sales Contract
You must notify us when your property goes under contract within 48 hours of the acceptance date or risk a MLS imposed fine of $250. Please submit the form below with the specifics and email a copy of the signed sales contract to Admin@PrelloRealty.com or fax it to 773-472-8988.
Cancel My Listing
All price changes and cancellation requests must be submitted in writing with signature. To expedite your request, please complete and sign the MLS Cancellation Form and fax it back to us at 773-472-8988 or email it to admin@prellorealty.com. One of our agents will contact you to confirm receipt. Please allow 48 hours for the change to appear on the MLS and websites.